Profile Skinning

open OCADml
open OSCADml

The function makes it (relatively) simple to generate meshes that cover over series of profiles. A greate simple example demonstrated by the skin modules in both list-comprehension-demos and BOSL2 is the vaccum connector.

let profiles =
  let fn = 32 in
  let base =
    let sq = Path3.square ~center:true (v2 2. 4.) in
    Path3.(roundover ~fn (Round.flat ~corner:(Round.circ (`Radius 0.5)) sq))
  and c r h = Path3.ztrans h @@ ~fn r in
  let cones = (fun h -> [ c 0.6 h; c 0.5 (h +. 1.) ]) [ 4.; 5.; 6. ] in
  List.flatten ([ base; Path3.ztrans 2. base; c 0.5 3.; c 0.5 4. ] :: cones)

A quick look at the points of our profiles we are about to mesh over with alternating colours may help a bit to conceptualize what we are about to give to work with.

let () =
  let show i =
    let c = if i mod 2 = 0 then Color.Magenta else Color.Aquamarine in
    Debug.show_path3 (fun _ -> Scad.(color c @@ sphere 0.03))
  List.mapi show profiles |> Scad.union |> Scad.to_file "vaccum_connector_points.scad"

let () = ~slices:(`Flat 0) profiles
  |> Scad.of_mesh
  |> Scad.to_file "vaccum_connector.scad"