Module OSCADml.Debug

val show_path2 : (int -> Scad.d3) -> OCADml.Path2.t -> Scad.d3

show_path2 f path

Return a union of 3d shapes provided by placing shapes (computed by applying f to the index) at each point along path.

val show_path3 : (int -> Scad.d3) -> OCADml.Path3.t -> Scad.d3

show_path3 f path

Return a union of 3d shapes provided by placing shapes (computed by applying f to the index) at each point along path.

val show_mesh : (int -> Scad.d3) -> OCADml.Mesh.t -> Scad.d3

show_mesh f mesh

Return a union of 3d shapes provided by placing shapes (computed by applying f to the index) at each point in mesh.