Module OManifold.MMeshGL

A graphics library friendly representation of manifold's internal mesh. Obtained via Manifold.to_mmeshgl, or constructed directly with MMeshGL.make

type t


val make : ?normals:OCADml.v3 list -> ?tangents:OCADml.v4 list -> OCADml.v3 list -> (int * int * int) list -> t

make ?normals ?tangents points triangles

Create a manifold mesh from a set of points, and triangles represented as triples of indices into points. Vertex normals and half-edge tangents can optionally be provided. If so, they must be the same length as points and 3x the length of triangles respectively -- Invalid_argument will be raised otherwise.

Data Extraction

val num_prop : t -> int
val num_vert : t -> int
val num_tri : t -> int
val properties : t -> float list
val triangles : t -> int list
val halfedge_tangents : t -> float list

halfedge_tangents t

Retrieve the halfedge tangents of the mesh t (three for each of the t's triangles).

val run_index : t -> int list
val run_original_id : t -> int list
val run_transform : t -> float list
val face_id : t -> int list
val points : t -> OCADml.v3 list

points t

Retrieve the points making up the mesh t.

val faces : t -> OCADml.Mesh.tri list

faces t

Retrieve the triangular faces of the mesh t as triples of indices into its points.

OCADml conversion

To and from the OCADml Mesh.t type. As Mesh.t follows the OpenSCAD winding convention (opposite to manifold) the triangles/faces are reversed.

val of_mesh : ?rev:bool -> OCADml.Mesh.t -> t

of_mesh ?rev m

Create a manifold mesh from the OCADml.Mesh.t m. If rev is true (as it is by default), faces of the input mesh are reversed (as the winding convention in OCADml is opposite to Manifold)

val to_mesh : t -> OCADml.Mesh.t

to_mesh t

Create an OCADml.Mesh.t from the manifold mesh t.


val import : ?cleanup:bool -> string -> t

import ?force_cleanup path

Load a mesh from disk at the given path using Manifold's MeshIO wrapper over assimp. If cleanup is true (defaults to false), identical vertices in the input will be merged to promote manifoldness.